Our Products

Icone Huiles

Bottling is a guarantee of quality for the consumers, concerned about the origin of the products and its traceability.

Our oil conditioning lines are equipped with an inert compressed air blowing device in the containers, filling and encapsulating the conditioned oil containers.

All components are controlled by a PLC to ensure the adjustment of all production details. Our operators are well trained and informed in order to control and ensure the product safety throughout the manufacturing process.


Olive Oli
Huile Olive Corantia


Vegetal Oil


Vegetal Oui
Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia Black

Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia Black

Huile d'Olive Extra Vierge

Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia

Gamme Huiles d'Olive Corantia

Huile d'Olive Vierge

Gamme Huiles Végétal El Jabal

Gamme Huiles Végétal El Jabal

Gamme Huiles Végétal El Jabal

Gamme Huiles Végétal Olitta

Gamme Huiles Végétal Olitta

Gamme Huiles Végétal Olitta

Icone Olives
Brochure Prima Huiles

Our products brochure

Download our brochure on our range of products: bottles dimensions, pallets